A healthier version of oreo shake that you can devourer whenever you have a sweet craving.


7-8 pieces Oreo cookies
1 cup Sliced banana
1 glass chilled Milk
2 Tbsp Dadev Honey
2 tbsp Vanilla ice-cream
2 tbsp Coffee Powder
3-4 Ice cubes


Combine Oreo cookies, banana and ½ glass of milk and blend in a mixer till it is semi-smooth and frothy.

Now add all other ingredients and blend again to make a thick smooth shake.

Keep refrigerated till serving. Before pouring the shake into glass, drizzle come chocolate syrup in the glass to give a nice and tempting look to this healthy and awesome Oreo Banana shake.

Just before serving, garnish with sliced Cornetto ice-cream and oreo cookies and serve immediately.